"Good day mate" ah man i'm gonna miss that! Whether it was day or night, or wether you were their mate or not, it didn't matter… Thats what we heard all the time :) It was great… Oh and there wasn't any garbage or junk there either, just "rubbish" most of which was covered in blood, go figure :)..
I told Shanna I'd like to live there for servral years just so I could learn to speak their accent! :) I love it… anyway yes it twas a totally grand trip! I love Shanna dearly, she's fun to go anywhere on this earth with!!!.. Thanks all for your prayers! The crutches stayed in the hotel pretty much the whole time. So praise the Lord for that!
On the train headed for Bangkok/ Malaysia/ AUSTRALIA! :) yea we were excited :)
One of my lifelong dreams finally fulfilled! Even the crutches couldn't dampen my excitement!
no its not photoshoped :)
Taking the subway to Bondi (pronounced BonDIE :)(apparently Aussies hate it when you mispronounce their city names, not that I would know :)
beautiful Bondi beach
this cracked me up :) not only does this happen in america, it happens in australia too! :) btw this doesn't capture it all, there were tons of ladies lined up that aren't on the pic :)
and heres the gents bathroom line :D
Whale watching, a bit of a substitute for scuba diving since my foot condition didn't allow it. great fun...
three humpback whales....humping :)
I could have almost jumped onto this guys back he got so close to the ship!
my dear sister that put up with all my limps, slow walking and quirks..
somehow I ended up on the bottom of the line and she got the top :)
We pretty much lived off of subway and mcdonalds :)
"rubbish" my new favorite word :)
and now after two days of traveling were back in Chiangmai once again...Thank you God for a dream come true!