Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mothers day....for so many years those two words brought so much pain..anger..tears and questions.. why God, why, why me, how can I go on without her... 
Still, seven years later there is still that aching pain at times.. When I see a mother lovingly hug her son... speaking wisdom into her childs life... It hurts... not having that from my mother anymore...

I know that when mom was alive I never realized the incredibly precious treasure I had..the gift a godly mother is.. that is my motivation for writing this plead with those of you that still have your mother... Please.. never. ever. ever. take her for granted....cherish her, talk to her, love her and tell her so, you really never know how much time you may have truly is too short...

(heres a link to a video on youtube, the song is one that I've like for a long time...though I couldn't find one without the you can just listen and ignore those :)

A tribute to my own precious mother, Krystal Dawn
Mom... You, I loved, You understood me like no other, You always knew when I needed a hug, or just need to be near you, to hold your hand.. You cared so deeply for people, you were so ready to help and counsel others. You were so beautiful, truly thee most beautiful woman I have ever known inward and out. Though many times I felt cheated that I only got fifteen years to be with you, to learn from you, to love and be loved by you, Your life/legacy continues to challenge me to live life to the fullest, to be all that Jesus is asking me to you did.. I shall love you forever and always