Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Joe Wengers and sheds

last week of work in upstate New York is almost over! and yes you could say I'm excited! not necessarily because I'm leaving here..but because of where I'm going!
I shall miss the kids here a ton! whether its the kids i chill n grill with all the time or my Joe Wenger coworkers who are deffinitely one of a kind, let me tell you, we have all sorts of ..um lets just say unique conversations, I asked one of them today if he has ever kissed his girlfriend..:) his reaction was priceless..he's the type of guy you might almost question if he knows what kissing is even..:) but he said they definitely have a hands OFF relationship and I most certainly believe him :).. so anyway yes many random convos but some are quite thought provoking as well...as in what we/I have been doing this summer while we work there at Woodtex...taking a raw, bare shells of sheds and making them look beautiful/ transformed..and how much that parallels with life and what our awesome God wants to do in us! We may be a Christians, and do and say the right things...we may be waterproof and have walls, we may be ok..
we may look like this...

yet God has so much more in store for us! Yes it might hurt, the "nails and hammers, the cutting" never feel good, it may take sweat and tears..
but if we let Him we can look like these. (if your offended to be compared to a storage shed...sorry :) thats your problem ;)  There can be so much more beauty if we allow Him to transform our hearts...

anyhoo.. enough of the sappy anologies :)... as I said I'll be driving up to minnesota next week and then flying from there over to thailand for four months at IGo..if God randomly brings me to your memory when you think of Joe Wengers or storage sheds please pray for me! I'm very excited about it but there will also be some major adjustments as well... thanks... NOTW, Brandon


  1. Blessings as you go to Thailand!! And I like the analogy:) but then again, I like about any good analogy! haha:)

  2. Yes, those were some fun coworkers at times :)

  3. Nice looking sheds. You can say hi to my sister KaLynn at IGO this fall :-)

  4. hm. I'm thinking Rats games and Perkins will come to mind instead of joe wengers n sheds. Heh heh.
    Safe travels!

  5. @ zach..coolness.. you should come visit her and all of us when were in thailand then:)...n alisha..seriously, you need to get over all the games I beat you in rats..its part of life ;)
